Size: 2 Ounce (Approx. 30 Servings)

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Size: 2 Ounce (Approx. 30 Servings)

Organic Migraine Relief Tea

Prevent migraines with this soothing tea blend of peppermint, cinnamon, feverfew, and catnip.

Caffeine Content

None Low Med. High

Tea Base


Country of Origin

USA 🇺🇸

This tea has a delicious mint aroma complimented by its mint and ginger flavor.

  • Organic Ginger Root
  • Organic Cinnamon Chips
  • Organic Peppermint
  • Organic Feverfew
  • Organic Catnip
  • Organic Ginkgo Biloba
  • Organic Lavender

Add 1-2 teaspoons of tea to 8 oz of boiling temperature water

Let the tea steep for 5-7 minutes

For best results, use filtered water (water can really affect the taste of the tea if it is not filtered).



Customer Reviews

Based on 89 reviews
Very Weak
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Very Poor
Very Good
Effective tea

I have been using the Organic Migraine relief tea for three months now daily. I have noticed a decrease in the frequency and intensity of my headaches. I've recommended the tea to others who report receiving benefit.

Very Weak
Very Good
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Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Purchase Experience:
Very Poor
Very Good

This review is needed. Ive suffered from migraines since I was very young. I take otc almost everyday to which I know its not good. But in desperation of relief and not knowing why I get them I take the otc. Sumatriptan gave me anaphylactic shock which took me to the ER. Thank you for making this tea as it truly works and thats hard to find. My migraine sometimes depending on the severity last days and have I vomit.

Julia Turk

This tea is a lifesaver! I have chronic Lyme disease and co-infections, so I get lots of really awful and debilitating migraines. Until I tried this tea, nothing helped. Tylenol and other OTC pain relievers have never worked on me. But this tea feels magical! I've never stumbled across something that actually works to soothe my head and I've found that it helps reduce the nausea I get with my migraines too. This is absolutely a new staple for me!! I don't have to take sick days for migraines anymore, I just go to work and drink this tea in the morning and my migraine usually disappears, sometimes in less than an hour! Anyway, couldn't be happier with this tea <3


Very flavorful & soothing.

Melissa Schoenung
Very Weak
Very Good
Would You Recommend?:
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Purchase Experience:
Very Poor
Very Good
Migraine Relief Tea Works!

I have noticed that since I've started drinking this tea 4-5 days a week, I have not had to take any otc stuff to help with headaches. I was taking something almost daily. I can now go several times a week without any headaches.