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Astrological Tea Pairings: Teas Tailored to Your Zodiac

Astrological Tea Pairings: Teas Tailored to Your Zodiac

Welcome to the enchanting world of tea and astrology, where the cosmic energies of the stars align with the soothing ritual of tea drinking. Just as each zodiac sign carries its unique traits and tendencies, so too does every tea blend offer distinct flavors and qualities. In this blog, we'll explore the perfect loose-leaf tea pairings for each star sign, creating a harmonious experience that reflects your celestial personality. Whether you're a fiery Aries seeking a bold brew or a serene Pisces looking for a calming cup, there's a tea that resonates with your astrological essence. So, pour yourself a cup and let’s journey through the zodiac to discover the tea that’s written in your stars. This is a general overview, and individual personalities can be influenced by many other factors beyond just your star sign.


aries dates

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is known for its bold, ambitious, and confident nature. Those born under this fiery sign are natural leaders, driven by enthusiasm and a relentless desire to forge ahead in all areas of life. With their energetic spirit and passion, Aries individuals are dynamic and always ready to tackle new challenges.

However, this powerful drive can sometimes lead to impatience and impulsiveness, as Aries tends to act first and think later. Their assertiveness may also be perceived as confrontational, and they can struggle with a short temper when things don’t go their way. Yet, despite these challenges, Aries’ courage and determination often help them overcome obstacles and achieve their goals with remarkable speed and efficiency.

aries personality

For this spirited sign, we chose Organic Orange Cinnamon Spice as the Classic Tea, perfectly embodying Aries' fiery nature with its naturally sweet and spicy blend. And to balance out that inner fire, our Wellness blend choice is Organic Herbal Comfort, offering a soothing remedy to help Aries unwind and relax.


taurus date

Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, is celebrated for its steadfast reliability, patience, and practicality. Those born under this earthy sign are known for their devotion, whether to loved ones, their work, or their personal goals. Taurus individuals crave stability and often serve as the rock others lean on in times of need. They approach life with a methodical and practical mindset, ensuring that whatever they set their minds to is completed with care and precision. 

Their strong sense of security can also make them resistant to change, sometimes leading to stubbornness that can be difficult to overcome. Taurus is also known for their love of comfort, which can occasionally manifest as possessiveness or overindulgence in life's pleasures. Despite these challenges, their unwavering dedication and ability to maintain a steady course make them reliable and trustworthy in all aspects of life.

taurus personality

For this dependable sign, we chose Organic Rooibos as the Classic Tea. Just like Taurus, this tea is reliable, consistent, and nearly impossible to mess up—perfect for someone who values stability. And for the Wellness Blend, we selected Organic Cheerful Tea, a practical choice designed to enhance mental balance and well-being.


gemini dates

Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac, is characterized by its adaptability, intelligence, and vibrant communication skills. Those born under this air sign are natural conversationalists, often brimming with wit and a curious mind that seeks out new experiences and knowledge. Gemini thrives on social interaction and intellectual stimulation, making them the life of the party and the go-to for engaging discussions. 

Their dual nature can lead to inconsistency and indecisiveness, as they may struggle to commit to one path or idea. This restlessness can make it difficult for Gemini to stick with long-term projects or relationships, as they are always on the lookout for the next exciting adventure. Despite these challenges, their ability to quickly adapt to new situations and their infectious enthusiasm make them charming and dynamic companions.

gemini personality

For this lively and adaptable sign, we chose Organic Premium Matcha as the Classic Tea. The precision and consistency required to make this tea perfectly reflect the balance Gemini strives for. Additionally, we selected Organic Lemon Ginger Mate as the Wellness Blend, because just like Gemini, each cup brings something a little different—sometimes more lemony, sometimes more gingery, keeping things exciting and unpredictable.


cancer date

Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, is deeply intuitive, empathetic, and nurturing. Those born under this water sign are known for their strong emotional intelligence and their ability to create a warm, comforting environment for those they care about. Cancer is often the caretaker of the zodiac, always ready to lend a helping hand or a sympathetic ear. They value home and family above all else, and their loyalty to loved ones is unmatched. 

However, their sensitivity can also make them prone to moodiness and overprotectiveness, leading them to retreat into their shells when they feel threatened or hurt. Cancer may struggle with letting go of the past, clinging to memories or relationships that no longer serve them. Despite these challenges, their caring nature and deep emotional connection to others make them compassionate and devoted friends and family members.

cancer personality

For this nurturing sign, we chose Organic Rose Petals as the Classic Tea. Not only is the white rose Cancer’s flower, but the soothing nature of this tea perfectly reflects the comforting presence Cancers bring to those around them. Additionally, our Organic Pink Tea is ideal for helping Cancers regulate their emotions and sensitivity, offering a calming touch to their gentle souls.


leo date

Leo, the fifth sign of the zodiac, is known for its charismatic, confident, and generous nature. Those born under this fire sign are natural-born leaders who thrive in the spotlight and have a flair for the dramatic. Leo loves to be admired and often shines in creative or social settings, where their warm and outgoing personality can take center stage. Their passion and enthusiasm for life are contagious, inspiring those around them to embrace their own inner strength and creativity. 

Leo's desire for recognition can sometimes come across as arrogance or a need for constant validation. They may also struggle with stubbornness, refusing to back down when they believe they are right. Despite these challenges, Leo's heart of gold and their ability to inspire and uplift others make them loyal and devoted friends who bring warmth and light wherever they go.

leo personality

For this confident and charismatic sign, we chose Organic Masala Chai as the Classic Tea. This bold and well-known blend perfectly matches Leo's vibrant personality and their love for being in the spotlight. To help Leo mellow out and straighten their thoughts, our Organic Relieve Stress Tea is the ideal Wellness Blend, offering a calming influence to balance their fiery nature.


Virgo Dates

Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac, is celebrated for its analytical mind, meticulous nature, and practical approach to life. Those born under this earth sign are detail-oriented and strive for perfection in everything they do. Virgo is known for its strong work ethic and its ability to see the small details that others might overlook, making them excellent problem solvers and organizers. They have a deep sense of duty and are always willing to lend a helping hand, often putting others' needs before their own. 

This pursuit of perfection can lead to overthinking and self-criticism, as they may set impossibly high standards for themselves and others. Virgo may also struggle with anxiety and a tendency to be overly critical, which can make it difficult for them to relax and enjoy the moment. Despite these challenges, their dedication, reliability, and ability to bring order to chaos make them invaluable friends and colleagues.

Virgo personality

For our practical and reliable Virgo, we chose Organic English Breakfast as the Classic Tea. This blend is a perfect "go-to" for those who value consistency and dependability. To help ease Virgo's overthinking and bring a sense of calm, we've selected Organic Lavender as the Wellness Blend, offering a soothing respite from their busy minds.


Libra dates

Libra, the seventh sign of the zodiac, is known for its diplomatic, charming, and sociable nature. Those born under this air sign are natural peacemakers who value harmony and balance in all aspects of life. Libra is often seen as the mediator, able to see both sides of a situation and find a fair and just solution. They have a strong sense of aesthetics and enjoy surrounding themselves with beauty, whether in their relationships, environment, or personal style. 

Libra's desire to please everyone can sometimes lead to indecisiveness, as they struggle to make choices that might upset the balance they so carefully maintain. They may also avoid confrontation at all costs, leading to passive-aggressive behavior or resentment. Despite these challenges, Libra's charm, grace, and ability to create a peaceful atmosphere make them beloved friends and partners who bring a sense of calm and beauty wherever they go.

libra personality

For this charming and balanced sign, we chose Organic Earl Grey as the Classic Tea. Just like Libra, this tea is dependable and always delightful, offering a consistent and pleasing experience. As for the Wellness Blend, we've selected Organic Detox Tea—not to cleanse Libra of their superficiality (just kidding!), but to provide a refreshing way to cleanse the body and mind, helping them to reset and start anew.


scorpio dates

Scorpio, the eighth sign of the zodiac, is known for its intense, passionate, and resourceful nature. Those born under this water sign are deeply emotional and often possess a magnetic presence that draws others in. Scorpio is known for its determination and ability to see things through to the end, no matter the obstacles. They have a keen intuition and a strong sense of loyalty, making them fiercely protective of those they care about. 

Scorpio's intensity can also lead to jealousy and possessiveness, as they may struggle with trust issues and fear of betrayal. Their secretive nature can make it difficult for others to get close, as Scorpio tends to guard their emotions closely. Despite these challenges, their depth of emotion, loyalty, and ability to transform and rise from the ashes make them powerful and resilient individuals who leave a lasting impact on those around them.

scorpi personlity

For this passionate and intense sign, our Classic Tea choice is Organic Passion Tea, perfectly reflecting Scorpio's fiery nature. To help calm their intensity, our Wellness Blend is Organic Blood Pressure Tea—ideal for lowering that blood pressure and bringing a sense of calm to their powerful emotions.


sag dates

Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac, is characterized by its adventurous, optimistic, and independent spirit. Those born under this fire sign are known for their love of exploration, whether it be through travel, knowledge, or new experiences. Sagittarius is often the philosopher of the zodiac, always seeking to expand their horizons and understand the world on a deeper level. Their optimism and sense of humor make them fun and inspiring companions who are always up for an adventure. 

Their restless nature can lead to impulsiveness and a tendency to avoid commitment, as they fear being tied down or restricted. Sagittarius may also struggle with bluntness, as their honesty can sometimes come across as tactless or insensitive. Despite these challenges, their enthusiasm for life, sense of freedom, and ability to see the bigger picture make them inspiring and uplifting individuals who encourage others to embrace their own journey.

sag personality

For this adventurous sign, we chose our Organic Royal Blend as the Classic Tea. This blend, made entirely of black teas, reflects Sagittarius's love for exploration and bold experiences. To help calm their restlessness, we've selected Organic Sleeping Tranquilitea as the Wellness Blend, offering a soothing way to wind down and find balance.


capi dates

Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, is known for its disciplined, responsible, and ambitious nature. Those born under this earth sign are hardworking and practical, with a strong focus on achieving their long-term goals. Capricorn is often seen as the achiever of the zodiac, with a relentless drive to succeed and a deep sense of duty and responsibility. They are patient and willing to put in the time and effort required to reach their objectives, often becoming leaders in their chosen fields. 

However, Capricorn's strong work ethic can sometimes lead to workaholism, as they may struggle to find a balance between their professional and personal lives. Their cautious and conservative approach to life can also make them appear rigid or pessimistic, as they may be wary of taking risks or stepping outside of their comfort zone. Despite these challenges, Capricorn's determination, reliability, and ability to build a solid foundation for the future make them respected and admired individuals who achieve great things.

capi personality

For this patient and ambitious sign, we chose Organic Cocoa Pu-erh as the Classic Tea. Just like Capricorn, this tea improves with time, reflecting the value Capricorn places on patience and long-term rewards. To help regulate emotions and boost those happy hormones, our Wellness Blend is Organic Testosterone Boost, providing a natural way to support Capricorn's well-being and keep them balanced.


aquarius dates

Aquarius, the eleventh sign of the zodiac, is known for its innovative, independent, and humanitarian nature. Those born under this air sign are often seen as the visionaries of the zodiac, with a strong desire to make the world a better place through progressive ideas and social change. Aquarius is highly intellectual and values individuality and freedom, often marching to the beat of their own drum. They are forward-thinking and open-minded, always seeking new ways to improve themselves and society as a whole.

However, their independent nature can sometimes lead to detachment, as they may struggle with emotional intimacy or find it difficult to connect with others on a deeper level. Aquarius may also be perceived as aloof or unpredictable, as they value their freedom and may resist being tied down by conventional expectations. Despite these challenges, their innovative spirit, humanitarian values, and ability to think outside the box make them inspiring and transformative individuals who drive positive change in the world.

aquarius perosnality

For this unique and independent sign, we chose Organic Spearmint as the Classic Tea. Just like Aquarius,  Organic Spearmint is refreshing and versatile—excellent on its own or blended with other flavors, perfectly matching Aquarius's adaptable nature. To help with mental clarity and focus, especially when that aloofness kicks in, we selected our Organic Brain Health as the Wellness Blend, designed to keep their brilliant minds on track.


pisces dates

Pisces, the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, is known for its compassionate, artistic, and intuitive nature. Those born under this water sign are deeply empathetic and often possess a rich inner world filled with creativity and imagination. Pisces is highly sensitive to the emotions of others and has a natural ability to offer comfort and support to those in need. They are often drawn to the arts, where they can express their deep feelings and vivid dreams. 

However, Pisces' sensitivity can also make them prone to escapism, as they may seek to avoid the harsh realities of life by retreating into their fantasies or indulging in self-destructive behaviors. They may also struggle with boundaries, as their desire to help others can sometimes lead to being taken advantage of or feeling overwhelmed by the emotions of those around them. Despite these challenges, their compassion, creativity, and deep emotional connection to the world make them gentle and wise souls who bring healing and inspiration to those around them.

pisces personality

For this gentle and empathetic sign, we chose our Organic Pink Grapefruit as the Classic Tea. This tea embodies Pisces' tender and compassionate nature with its light and refreshing flavor. To help ground Pisces and bring them back down to earth, we selected Organic Vita Me as the Wellness Blend, perfect for leveling out their emotions and providing balance.

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