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Wellness Tea Pairings for Energy

Wellness Tea Pairings for Energy

Wellness Tea Pairings for Energy

August is National Wellness Month and we are starting it off right! If you haven't seen our social posts, they will be linked below for you!

This blog is about our Wellness Tea Pairings for Energy! We are going to look into which teas and herbs are best for energy as well as some tips, tricks, and products that will help simplify and improve your wellness journey!

How can Herbs Help with Energy?

Herbs can significantly boost energy levels by supporting the body's natural systems. Adaptogenic herbs such as ashwagandha, rhodiola, and ginseng help the body adapt to stress and maintain balance, which can reduce fatigue and enhance physical and mental stamina. These herbs work by regulating cortisol levels, improving adrenal function, and supporting neurotransmitter activity. Ashwagandha, for example, is known for its ability to enhance physical performance and promote muscle recovery, while rhodiola improves mental clarity and resilience against stress.

Green tea and yerba mate provide a natural source of caffeine, which can increase alertness without the crash often associated with coffee. Green tea also contains L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes relaxation and sustained energy levels. Yerba mate contains xanthine, a stimulant similar to caffeine but with more consistent and less jittery effects.

Holy basil, also known as tulsi, boosts energy by supporting adrenal function and improving metabolic processes. This herb can be consumed as a tea or extract to provide a quick energy boost. Similarly, maca root, known for its high nutrient density, supports endurance and reduces fatigue, making it a popular choice for athletes.


Guarana is a climbing plant native to the Amazon basin, particularly in Brazil. It is well-known for its small, red fruits that contain seeds rich in caffeine, often used as a stimulant. Guarana seeds are about the size of coffee beans but contain approximately twice the caffeine content. This high caffeine concentration makes guarana a popular ingredient in energy drinks, dietary supplements, and weight loss products.

Yerba Mate

Yerba mate boosts energy through its blend of caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline, offering a balanced and sustained energy increase without jitters. The caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, enhancing alertness, while theobromine and theophylline provide a smoother energy release. Additionally, yerba mate's rich antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals support overall well-being and reduce fatigue.

Guarana Powder4
yerba mate
Yerba Mate 

Tips and Tricks to Step Up Your Energy Levels

Morning Yoga Routine 

Starting the day with yoga energizes the body and mind. The practice increases blood circulation, invigorating bodily systems and sharpening alertness. It also enhances lymphatic flow, supporting detoxification and immune health. Combining physical postures with mindful breathing reduces stress, improves mental focus, and uplifts mood through endorphin release.

This comprehensive approach revitalizes not just physical energy, but also mental clarity and emotional balance, setting a positive tone for the day ahead. For the caffeine lovers who need a kick in the morning, try our Organic Turmeric Ginger Mate! This blend is perfect for a morning pick me up and helps clear your mind for the day ahead!

Try these yoga poses for your new morning routine:

Sun Salutations: Start with these to wake the body and mind. This sequence increases circulation, warms up muscles, and enhances energy levels.

Backbends: Incorporate poses like Cobra, Upward-Facing Dog, and Bridge Pose, to open the chest and stimulate the adrenal glands, promoting an energetic state.

Morning Routines

Having a morning routine helps boost energy by providing structure and consistency, which can enhance mental clarity and reduce stress. Engaging in activities such as exercise, yoga, or meditation increases blood flow and oxygen levels, invigorating the body and mind. A nutritious breakfast fuels the body with essential nutrients, sustaining energy levels throughout the day. 


Power Walks and Sleep

Power walks boost energy by increasing blood circulation and oxygen supply to muscles and the brain, which enhances overall alertness and reduces fatigue. The rhythmic movement and moderate intensity of power walking stimulate the release of endorphins, the body's natural mood lifters, which can improve mental clarity and emotional well-being. Additionally, regular power walks help improve cardiovascular health and endurance, making daily activities feel less strenuous and providing a more sustained energy level throughout the day.

Combine this routine with Organic Green Energy to fuel your day, providing sustained vitality and sharpened mental focus from natural sources.

green energy

Sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining energy levels by facilitating bodily restoration and renewal. While in deep slumber, your system mends tissues, develops muscle, and bolsters immune defenses. Simultaneously, your brain sorts and integrates memories, enhancing cognitive abilities and mental acuity. Proper sleep also helps balance hormones, including those governing hunger and stress responses, promoting steady energy throughout your waking hours. Conversely, lack of quality sleep can result in exhaustion, diminished focus, and suboptimal physical capability.

Caffeine Content and Balanced Meals

Pay attention to how much caffeine you consume. Although it can offer a temporary energy spike, overindulgence may result in sudden tiredness and lethargy. Instead, try to focus on more natural sources.

Our Organic Live Fit Tea is a natural way to consume caffeine gradually, instead of all at once like other beverages!

Balanced meals help maintain energy levels by providing a steady supply of essential nutrients. Carbohydrates are the body's primary energy source, breaking down into glucose for immediate use or storage. 

live fit

Protein supports muscle repair and growth, which is crucial for physical stamina and endurance. Healthy fats are a concentrated energy source and help in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamins and minerals from a balanced diet support metabolic processes that convert food into energy. Eating balanced meals also stabilizes blood sugar levels, preventing energy spikes and crashes.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Check out our other Energy Blends and Herbs

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