So this was the tea that led me to this company. I switched over from coffee, which I loved but my gastritis does not. I can not comment on flavor as I mix 2-3 teas together at a time. But I have always enjoyed the blend I make. I had been seeing A nutritionist and we started playing with my natural thyroid medicine to some supplements. After a few months of my supplements by themselves not helping I started drinking this to try and help support them. However, after 6 to 9 months, it never really helped. However, when I switched back to my natural thyroid medication prescribed from the doctor, I continue to drink this, and I have been able to lower the dose of my medication by half. I have now been drinking this everyday for about a year and a half so it may just take a while. I don’t know but it has help and has led me to try many other teas from this company which are great.