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Top 5 Teas for Back to School

Top 5 Teas for Back to School

How does Tea Help with Back to School

As the back-to-school season kicks in, tea can be a wonderful companion for both students and teachers. Whether it's a cup of green tea or matcha to boost focus and concentration, or a soothing blend of chamomile or lavender to ease the stress of a busy day, tea offers a natural way to support mental and emotional well-being. 

Immune-boosting teas like elderberry or ginger can help keep the sniffles at bay, while calming herbal teas before bed promote better sleep, ensuring everyone is well-rested and ready for the challenges ahead. Plus, staying hydrated with a warm, comforting cup of tea can make the transition back to school just a bit smoother.

Top Teas for Back to School

1. Organic Brain Health

Organic Brain Health is a thoughtfully crafted blend of organic herbs designed to support cognitive function, improve mental clarity, and promote overall brain health.

  • Organic Gingko Biloba: Enhances memory and cognitive function by improving blood circulation to the brain.
  • Organic Gotu Kola: Boosts memory, focus, and reduces anxiety by supporting brain health.
  • Organic Ashwagandha: Helps reduce stress and improve concentration through its adaptogenic properties.
  • Organic Rosemary: Protects brain cells with antioxidants and enhances memory and concentration.
  • Organic Sage: Promotes mental clarity, improves mood, and may prevent cognitive decline.

This blend of ingredients works synergistically to support brain health, reduce mental fatigue, and improve focus. Enjoy a cup of this revitalizing tea to enhance cognitive wellness throughout the day.

2. Organic Sleeping Tranquilitea

Organic Sleeping Tranquilitea is a calming blend of organic herbs designed to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and support restful sleep.

  • Organic Chamomile: Promotes relaxation and helps induce sleep by calming the nervous system.
  • Organic Lemon Balm: Reduces anxiety and stress, helping the body and mind prepare for sleep.
  • Organic Lavender: Soothes the mind and body with its natural sedative properties, promoting deep, restful sleep.
  • Organic Peppermint: Relaxes muscles and relieves tension, helping ease the body into sleep.
  • Organic Passionflower: Supports the reduction of insomnia and anxiety by calming the mind.

This soothing blend works harmoniously to help you unwind and enjoy a peaceful night's sleep. Sip a cup of this tranquil tea before bed to ease into relaxation and improve the quality of your sleep.

3. Organic Yerba Mate

Organic Yerba Mate is an energizing herbal tea made from the leaves of the Ilex paraguariensis plant, traditionally enjoyed for its natural stimulant properties and numerous health benefits.

  • Organic Yerba Mate: Boosts energy levels, improves mental clarity, and enhances physical endurance. It contains naturally occurring caffeine, theobromine, and antioxidants, making it a great alternative to coffee without the jittery effects.

Enjoy this refreshing and invigorating tea to increase focus, support metabolism, and enhance overall well-being throughout the day.

3. Organic Green Energy

Organic Green Energy is a revitalizing blend designed to naturally boost energy levels while promoting focus. This tea combines organic herbs to provide sustained energy without the jitters.

  • Organic Yerba Mate: Packed with vitamins, minerals, and caffeine, yerba mate promotes energy, aids in weight loss, and boosts mood.
  • Organic Ashwagandha Root: Improves physical energy, enhances athletic performance, and reduces stress.
  • Organic Lemon Peel: Adds a refreshing citrus flavor, supports bone health, and is rich in vitamins.
  • Organic Matcha: Provides a calm, sustained energy boost and improves focus.
  • Organic Holy Basil: Reduces stress, inflammation, and provides essential vitamins.
  • Organic Lemon Verbena: Supports fat burning, muscle protection, and boosts the immune system.

This energizing blend of ingredients offers a balanced and refreshing way to stay energized throughout the day. Perfect for those seeking a natural alternative to high-caffeine beverages.

4. Organic Relieve Stress Tea 

Organic Relieve Stress Tea is a soothing blend of organic herbs designed to help you unwind and alleviate stress.

  • Organic Rooibos: Contains six times the antioxidants of green tea, aids in relaxation, and is caffeine-free.
  • Organic Passion Flower: Helps reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and improve sleep quality.
  • Organic Lemon Balm: Provides relief from insomnia and anxiety while reducing inflammation.
  • Organic Holy Basil: Reduces physical and psychological stress and can help alleviate headaches.
  • Organic Lavender: Soothes anxiety and reduces stress hormones through its calming aroma.

This tea is perfect for calming the mind and body, providing natural stress relief. Enjoy a cup to help you relax and support your mental and physical well-being.

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