Tea of the Week | Organic Live Fit - Full Leaf Tea Company

Tea of the Week | Organic Live Fit

Carly Pearl-Sacks

Hey tea lovers! 

If you love to be active, this is the ultimate tea for you! Organic Live Fit is a green tea based blend with ingredients to boost energy, enhance workout results, and aid in recovery. 

Ingredient Breakdown

Organic Green Tea: Green tea has been shown to be a great workout partner! From its incredibly high antioxidant levels to its caffeine that doesn't crash, green tea is a great pre-workout beverage. Along with green tea's caffeine content, it contains L-theanine which promotes alertness and greater attention. Studies have shown that drinking green tea before workouts can help to burn fat and reduce muscle damage. 

Organic Ashwagandha Root: Ashwagandha root helps improve physical energy and athletic ability. Additionally, this root can help increase muscle mass and fat burning. Ashwagandha supplementation has been show to be espeically useful in conjunction with a resistance/strength training program. 

Organic Epimedium: Epimedium has been shown to help with decreasing muscle fatigue, managing joint pain, and boosting physical performance. Additionally, epimedium has been shown to help with pain related to arthritis and nerve pain. 

Organic Lemon Verbena: Lemon verbena is a helpful ingredient in the recovery portion of working out. This herb helps to promote healthy sleep patterns and reduce joint pain. 

Organic Lemon Peel: Besides adding a delicious citrus taste to this blend, lemon peel is a great source of antioxidants. Lemon peel has also been studied to show a lowered risk for osteoporosis and it supports heart health. 

Organic Rose Hips: Rose hips have been shown to have numerous health benefits! This ingredient promotes weight loss, boosts the immune system, reduces joint pain, and supports heart health! 


If you're looking for a fun way to switch up your pre-workout, try Iced Honey & Lemon Live Fit! 


Ready to learn more? Check out our video dedicated to Organic Live Fit! 

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